Start of December was marked by professional awards. On December 5 the results of the annual ranking “50 Leading Ukrainian Law Firms” (TOP-50) have been published by the Legal Practice publishing house and Pakharenko and Partners has been uncessantly included in the list of leading firms.
For several years running the company maintains its high reputation due to its highly professional lawyers allowing the company enter TOP-50 according to financial effectiveness and amount of revenues from services rendered.
The annual research titled “50 Leading Ukrainian Law Firms” has been organized by the Yuridicheskaya Praktika since 1997 and includes a number of ratings. In addition to “50 Leading Ukrainian Law Firms” and a “Bronze League” prepared as result of the study of general performance indicators, the best law firms are determined according to their profitability, number of lawyers, financial efficiency, peer recognition rating, as well as regional leaders and leading law firms in individual practices.