Allocation of resources in our office
The structure of our company consists of five departments subdivided into specialised divisions.
I. The IP Prosecution Department includes:
1. The trademark division
2. The industrial designs division
3. The patent department consisting of two divisions: the division of chemistry, pharmaceutics, medicine and biotechnologies and the division of mechanical engineering, electronics and technology
4. The annuities and renewal division
II. The Litigation Department
III. The IP Legal Counseling Department
IV. The Department of Corporate, Advertising, Competition, Media and Tax Law
V. The Anti-counterfeiting Department
Today our staff includes 35 employees with different experience and practice, comprising 4 partners, 14 lawyers (including 4 Attorneys-at-Law), 11 specialists with diverse background and relevant experience in intellectual property (including 5 patent attorneys and 2 candidates of chemical sciences) and 6 specialists of clerical and accounting staff.
Dr. Pakharenko-Anderson, Managing Partner of Pakharenko & Partners.
Ukrainian, Russian, English and German
Provides overall management of the company, cooperates with national and international organizations, works on projects that are aimed at policy-making in intellectual property sphere.
Alexander Pakharenko is an Attorney-at-Law, registered Patent Attorney and a Partner with Pakharenko & Partners in Kiev.
Ukrainian, Russian, English and German
Consulting on patentability of intellectual property,licensing and protection of intellectual property, representing clients in law enforcement and customs agencies, civil and commercial courts.
Ms. Elena Shamrina is a lawyer and registered Patent Attorney. She is a Partner with Pakharenko & Partners.
Ukrainian, Russian and English
Her practice covers legal counseling on all aspects of the protection of IPR objects, particularly trademarks, geographical indications, domain names, industrial designs, copyright and inventions, licensing IPRs and IPR litigation. She also practices in the field of customs, contract and banking laws.
Mr. Anderson is a Director of Pakharenko & Partners UK office (London, UK).
English, French, Portuguese
John Anderson has been project consultant at Queen Mary Intellectual Property Research Institute, University of London, since 2003. He is an expert on IP rights enforcement strategy and communications, and has held the following functions, among many others: *ad hoc* consultant on international aspects of IP enforcement to the European Union, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and UN agencies; chairman of the Global Anti-Counterfeiting Network since 2001; vice chairman of the UN/ECE team of IP specialists since 2006; founding member of Interpol’s IP Crime Action Group; official observer at WIPO’s Advisory Committee on Enforcement; member of Anti-Counterfeiting Committees of the International Trademark Association and Marques; and member of the Ukraine Alliance Against Counterfeiting and Piracy (UAACP).